[系所公告] [獎助學金] 理學院獎學金暨補助款開放申請 Scholarship and Subsidies from the Science College are Open for Application

by 陳韋縉 | 2021-03-08 12:11:21

Application for the Best Research Paper Award for PhD student is now open
  1. 本學院博士班研究生在學期間曾發表富創意性之學術論文者,得申請獎勵。
    This award is open for enrolled PhD students who have published academic papers rich in creativities.
  2. 申請博士生需為第一作者,且該篇論文不得重覆申請獎勵。
    The PhD student who applies for this award must be the first author of the paper, and the paper can’t be used to apply for other awards or funds.
  3. 本獎項每學年辦理乙次,本系獎勵名額為兩名。經審查通過之博士生每名均頒發中、英文獎狀各乙紙,及新臺幣壹萬元之獎學金;得獎以一次為限。
    The number of the award winner offered to the department is 2. Every winner will be awarded certificates in Chinese and English, and a scholarship of NTD 10,000. Individuals may receive this award only once.
  4. 本獎設置要點與申請表見附件,有意申請者請於3月26日前提出。
    Please find attached to this post the guidelines of this award and the application form. Application is open for PhD students until Mar. 26, 2021.
Application for the Academic Activities Attendance Award is now open
  1. 本獎以參與國內外學術活動發表論文並獲獎等表現優良之研究生為獎勵對象。
    The purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance to the students who participate in academic-related conferences nationally or internationally and win paper awards.
  2. 本系獎勵名額為兩名。
    The number of the award winner offered to the department is 2.
  3. 本獎設置要點與申請表見附件,有意申請者請於3月26日前提出。
    Please find attached to this post the guidelines of this award and the application form. Application is open for graduate students until Mar. 26, 2021.
Application for Research Funding for Expert Workshops is now open
  1. 本補助要點與申請表見附件。
    Please find attached to this post the guidelines of this award and the application form.
  2. 本系教師有意申請者請於3月26日前提出。
    Application is open for instructors until Mar. 26, 2021.


  1. 師大理學院博士生優良論文獎設置要點: https://cantor.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2021/03/08/sciencecollegesubsidies/%e5%b8%ab%e5%a4%a7%e7%90%86%e5%ad%b8%e9%99%a2%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e7%94%9f%e5%84%aa%e8%89%af%e8%ab%96%e6%96%87%e7%8d%8e%e8%a8%ad%e7%bd%ae%e8%a6%81%e9%bb%9e/

Source URL: https://cantor.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2021/03/08/sciencecollegesubsidies/