[專題演講] 【11月3日】A brief excursion to the invariance in geometry 陳文豪教授

by 許書豪 | 2021-09-08 10:06:53

Job title:東海大學數學系
Title : A brief excursion to the invariance in geometry
Abstract:One of the most interesting notion in geometry is the invariance property. It can be found in many branches of geometry such as Euclidean geometry, affine geometry, projective geometry, and differential geometry etc. Especially, some rigidity theorems in differential geometry are closely related with invariance. This talk will give a brief introduction to this beauty in geometry. An idea of its application to ethnomathematics will be also mentioned.

Time: Nov. 3 (Wed.), 2:00 p.m., 2021
Place: Room 212, Department of Mathematics, NTNU

Tea Time: Nov. 3 (Wed.), 1:30 p.m., 2021
Tea Place: Room 104, Department of Mathematics, NTNU

URL of class:https://meet.google.com/ngz-pnbq-ghg[1]
Please log in with your school google account. (https://gapps.ntnu.edu.tw)

  1. https://meet.google.com/ngz-pnbq-ghg: https://meet.google.com/ngz-pnbq-ghg

Source URL: https://cantor.math.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/2021/09/08/001-31/