


Hsu, Chih-NungProfessor and ChairmanSupervising the overall affairs of
the department
M1097749-6609maco (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Hsu, Chih-Nung

Responsibilities: Supervising the overall affairs of the department
Office: M220
Phone: 7749-6620
Email: maco (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Associate Chairman

Guo, JunyiAssociate Professor and Vice ChairmanStudent Affairs and Department WebpagesM3067749-6593davidguo (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Guo, Junyi

Associate Professor
Responsibilities: Student Affairs and Department Webpages
Office: M306
Phone: 7749-6593
Email: davidguo (at) ntnu.edu.tw


Yang, Ching-YuLecturerComputer; NetworkM2067749-6616yangcy (at) math.ntnu.edu.tw
Wen, Xiang-TingT. A.Undergrad affairs, Teacher trainingM1037749-6749xtwen (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Lee, Chun-RouT. A.Teaching business, Secretary, Department EvaluationM1037749-6600emily491 (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Shen, CindyT. A.Personnel, International affairsM1037749-6601shen.hh (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Kuo, Su-MiaoT. A.Admissions, Academic Research, WebM1037749-6580cindykuo (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Yang, Hsiao-HsuanT. A.General Affairs, PT worker managementM1037749-6602curacao (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Chou, Meng-ChienT.A.Grad. student affairs, Teaching assistantM1037749-6603oliver466 (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Wu, Hsin-YenT.A.PropertyM1037749-6578hsinyen5 (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Yeh, Jo-ChiehT.A.Asian Pacific, European Girls’ and International Mathematical OlympiadM1107749-9466111g0026 (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Ke, Yan-TingT.A.Asian Pacific, European Girls’ and International Mathematical OlympiadM1107749-9466bon30123 (at) ntnu.edu.tw
Li, JosieP.A.Assistant of Professor Daniel Spector's ProjectM1087749-9464josie (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Yang, Ching-Yu

Responsibilities: Computer; Network
Office: M102
Phone: 7749-6598
Email: yangcy (at) math.ntnu.edu.tw

Hsu, Shu-Hao

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: Undergrad affairs, Teacher training
Office: M103
Phone: 7749-6602
Email: nuheroteach (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Lee, Chun-Rou

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: Teaching business, Secretary, Department Evaluation
Office: M103
Phone: 7749-6600
Email: emily491 (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Shen, Cindy

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: Personnel, International affairs
Office: M103
Phone: 7749-6601
Email: shen.hh (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Kuo, Su-Miao

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: Admissions, Academic Research, Web
Office: M103
Phone: 7749-6580
Email: cindykuo (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Wen, Xiang-Ting

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: General Affairs, PT worker management
Office: M103
Phone: 7749-6749
Email: xtwen (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Chou, Meng-Chien

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: Grad. student affairs, Teaching assistant
Office: M103
Phone: 7749-6603
Email: oliver466 (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Wu, Hsin-Yen

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: Property
Office: M103
Phone: 7749-6578
Email: hsinyen5 (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Tseng, Yuan-Han

Teaching Assistant
Responsibilities: Asian Pacific, European Girls’ and International Mathematical Olympiad
Office: M110
Phone: 7749-9466
Email: yhtseng.math (at) ntnu.edu.tw


Li, CathyResearch AssistantAssistant of Professor Ulrich Menne's ProjectM1087749-5778cathy106 (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Cathy Li

Research Assistant
Responsibilities: Assistant for Professor Ulrich Menne’s Project
Office: M108
Phone: 7749-5778
Email: cathy106 (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Dedicated Mentor

Hu, Cheng-TeDedicated MentorStudent counselingDedicated Mentor's Office (Gongguan Campus)7749-6536jackhu (at) ntnu.edu.tw

Hu, Cheng-Te

Dedicated Mentor
Responsibilities: Student counseling
Office: Dedicated Mentor’s Office (Gongguan Campus)
Phone: 7749-6536
Email: jackhu (at) ntnu.edu.tw

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