Apply Master/Doctoral Final Defense for 2025 Spring Semester
申請資格 Apply Qualify: 已修畢規定科目與學分且這學期未修習學分者。 Completed the course requirements and did not taken any credits this semester.
研究生申請時間 When to Apply: 口試當月的10日以前。 Apply by 10th March, 10th April, 10th May.
請登入「校務行政入口網–教務相關 –學位考試申請系統 」申請學位考試及列印考試申請書 Login「NTNU Information Portal」to apply degree examination and download document : 請參考附件的操作手冊。 Please refer to the attachment.
請至 下載專區 下載相關申請文件並於規定時間內將紙本文件交至數學館M103 Please submit the documents to M103.(Link)